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About accommodation

Accomodation Fee
・1 night stay *2 meals (dining experience included )
Adults 11.000 Yen / Children 7.700 Yen

・Room only 5.500 Yen

*Goemon bath admission fee: Adults 500 Yen / Children 200 Yen

There is a washing machine available for use.

Minpaku Izuho (11).JPG

Basic schedule


Check-in and rest

After welcoming you, we will explain how to fill out the booklet, provide information about your room, and give you advice on things to be aware of during your stay.


Cooking rice in traditional way, harvesting experience, etc.

Our guesthouse is an "experience guesthouse" that can only be found in the countryside. You will prepare together while experiencing. In the summer, you will experience harvesting, and in the fall and winter, you will experience chopping firewood while preparing dinner.


Dinner time/gathering

Enjoy a family dinner and homemade food ooked by everyone and local ingredients.


Bathing is available until 22:00

The baths are available until 10:00 p.m., so please make sure to finish using them before then.

first day

Day 2





We will prepare your breakfast according to your arrival time. Please take your time until check-out.


check out

Please be careful on your way home.





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